3270 AZ-87
Pine, AZ 85544
Join us for our monthly Brews and Brushes event in Pine, Arizona at THAT Brewery and Pub. First timers pay only $40 per person. (repeat students get $5 discount). This month we will be painting on a longer canvas and using molding paste and the pallet knife! Brews and Brushes has become a wonderful event in Pine, hosted every month at THAT Brewery. Teaching Artist is Jenny Kirgis- Henkhaus. She’s simply amazing and we adore her, as will you!
Everything you need to paint is provided! Instruction, brushes, apron, paints, light snacks and 2 drinks! You just show up and leave with your painting. We have a great group of people that join this class and are very interactive. Lots of laughs, paint and beer!
*You are able to order more drinks if you wish to start a tab with your server.
Please call THAT Brewery and Pub at 928-476-3349, or stop by to reserve your spot. Pre-registration and payment is required in advance.