Strong Beer Festival
You don't want to miss it!! More info
Micro Tap Takeover – Dilly Dally
Micro Tap Takeover for AZ Beer week. 2 taps and cans - Backwoods, RoadRash, AZT Ale Cans. Michael will be there to sample. Doing a giveaway for 2 tix to strong beer fest and beer specials.
Rim Country Business Showcase
Vendors, games, music, contests, wine, beer & food. In the Sawmill Parking Lot
Ameri-CAN Canned Beer Festival
THAT will have cans of AZ Trail Ale & Strawberry Blonde!!
Mogollon Monster Mudder
Pouring THAT Strawberry Blonde, AZ Trail Ale, Monsoon Mud & Perle. Also making shandys and red beers!! Watching this fun event is FREE! Cash bar