THAT Arizona Map
On a regular basis we are expanding the locations in Arizona where you can buy/drink the beers from THAT Brewery.
Our web site provides an interactive map and we’ve been working hard to keep it up to date. Check it out at http://thatbrewery.com/where/
Blue pins represent places in Arizona where you can buy THAT beer in cans, green pins represent restaurants and bars where you will find it on tap, and locations with yellow pins offers both options.
Below the map you will see an alphabetical list of all locations and addresses. That’s 190 locations!
This map is generated from sales reports of four different distributors and took a heap of spreadsheet wrangling to extract addresses, which are then automatically mapped using a geolocation service (we are awaiting on more details of locations from our Tucson distributor). That’s all to say we might not be 100% accurate, so if you have any corrections please leave a comment below. We want an accurate map.
We hope to increase the frequency of updates soon.
On the right side of the map is a social media stream of places people have photographed THAT beer (there’s one in there of a can of Arizona Trail Ale that found its way to Australia).
You can get your photos in the mix by tagging them #sawthatbeer in instagram or in twitter.
We hope to have many more pins on the map soon.