Backwoods Blonde
Beer Stats
Alcohol: 5.1% ABV
Bitterness: 28 IBU
Color: Light
Style: Blonde
Where to Find It
Brewer's Notes
Easy drinking, light bodied blonde ale. Inviting and approachable with a subtle biscuit finish. A blonde you actually have a chance with!
I sampled your Backwoods Blonde Lager at Sutlers Steakhouse in Camp Verde Nov. 10th
I’m very impressed with the smooth malty flavor.
Do you have any Plans to sell your fine products in the greater Phoenix area ?
thank you in advance for any information you may be able to provide .
Dave Smiley
Phoenix ,AZ.
Hi Dave,
Glad to hear the positive taste report on the Backwoods Blonde.
There are many places to find THAT on tap in Phoenix as well as finding cans of AZ Trail Ale, THAT Strawberry Blond, and the Road Rash IPA on sale at many stores, including all Whole Foods stores. You can find a location map (we are working on getting an updated version soon, but you should find it at most places listed) at